
oil on wood, 10x10"

Ewephoria, original artwork by Mike Geno

A newer sheep's milk cheese from Holland with a [info found online] "punny name that only makes sense in English should give it away; this cheese was invented for the American market's infamous sweet tooth. Presumptuous - if only the butterscotch sweet, nutty result wasn't so gosh darn successful."

...and described by Madame Fromage for Di Bruno Bros. blog: "In fact, this Gouda-style cheese from Holland is so sweet you can serve it for dessert, and if you tell your guests that they are eating pineapple upside-down cake pressed into cubes, they just might believe you. After all, Ewephoria smells like rum and tastes – I kid you not – faintly of pineapple."

Country of Origin: Holland

Availability: sold