Bleu di Bufala

oil on wood, 12x12"

Bleu di Bufala, original artwork by Mike Geno

I was surprised to find this ancient looking cheese to be such a youngster in the cheese world! I was immediately drawn to the wavey/hilly ridged rind and the coloring of this cheese.

Here's some info I found online:
From a burgh near Bergamo in northern Italy, two cowboy brothers--Bruno and Alfio--raised beef cattle in the province that's home to the nation's greatest concentration of DOP cheeses. In neighborhoods renowned for brave experimentation with milk's leap, the brothers imported bufala cow breeds from southern Italy in 2001 and got to work. About five years ago, they hit the magic combination, were lauded by fellow cheesemakers for their creation, and began distributing their blue made from milk usually reserved for creamy, silky mozzarella. The result is still creamy but the cakey loaf is tart, slightly gamey, and just salty enough to keep us reaching for another bite..

And, in case you were envisioning Buffalo Bill when you thought about this cheese, change your tune. The milk comes from water buffalos - not the ones on our nickels.

Country of Origin: Italy

Availability: sold