Jeffs' Select Gouda

oil on wood, 16x20"

Jeffs' Select Gouda, original artwork by Mike Geno

From the Cheese Portraits series.

This beautiful Gouda is the result of a collaborative effort between two visionary cheese makers named Jeff, Jeff Jirik of the Caves of Faribault and Jeff Wideman of Maple Leaf Cheese; hence the apostrophe after the "s". Jeff Wideman, a master cheesemaker from Wisconsin, is the one who makes the cheese, which is then sent to the Caves of Faribault for aging, in Minnesota. Unlike typical Goudas aged in cold temperatures, this American original is aged in the warm and humid environment of the caves. The result is a full-bodied flavor with classic European nuttiness and a hint of caramel. Its annatto-rubbed rind produces the alluring vibrant red-orange color. Most gouda cheeses are covered in wax or plastic during aging. Instead Jeffs' Select annatto-rubbed rind is allowed to develop its own rind during the aging process and resulting in this gorgeous wheel.

I was so fortunate to have received a whole wheel of this beautiful subject, and if you've had some of the best Gouda in the world, you'd understand why this won a Best in Show award at the American Cheese Society 2016 competition. This is an incredibly delicious sweet, caramel-nutty cheese with a firm fudge-like consistency that equates as heaven, in my opinion.

Origin: USA, Wisconsin & Minnesota

Availability: sold

Detail View:

Detail View of Jeffs' Select Gouda, original artwork by Mike Geno