Colston Bassett Stilton

oil on wood, 8x8"

Colston Bassett Stilton, original artwork by Mike Geno

From the Cheese Portraits series.

It was a pleasure to revisit this incredible blue cheese, considered the "King of Blues" as many consider it the best in the world. One reason this is so highly regarded is that the flavor is full, it's buttery, and mellow and the texture absolutely gratifyingly fudge-like. There's no bite, just pleasure.

I picked up this little wedge, because I couldn't believe my gentrifying hood would have cheeses of this caliber and I really loved the way this little wedge looked in the case. It was like looking through a pet store window; this big eyed puppy just called to me. It crumbled a little when I unwrapped it and I suppose that too tells its own story.

Origin: UK, England

Availability: sold

Additional Image:

Additional Image of Colston Bassett Stilton, original artwork by Mike Geno

Detail View:

Detail View of Colston Bassett Stilton, original artwork by Mike Geno