Search results for "Vermont"

Cultured Butter

Cultured Butter

Series: Foodie

Description: Ever since I first met Allison Hooper, when she shared her various treasures from Vermont Creamery, I have been in love with her cheeses which is not so unexpected. My surprise was how she had me drooling over her cultured butters. It began a new part of my life, which I now separate as BC and AC before Cultured butter and after. One thing beyond the quality of Vermont Creamery products that set them apart from so many others, is their outstanding packaging. The Cultured butter with Celtic Sea Salt here, is among my favorites for the irresistible mini basket made of wood and the blue and white checker paper the butter comes wrapped in. Naturally the ensemble becomes a dramatic presentation that matches the incredible flavor of the butter, for which I'm addicted to.

Origin: USA, Vermont

Tags: Vermont, Butter, Cultured Butter, Allison Hooper, Vermont Creamery

Price: sold