Bleu de Combremont

oil on wood, 8x10"

Bleu de Combremont, original artwork by Mike Geno

Made in the idyllic village of Combremont-le-Petit, in Western Switzerland this Swiss Blue is a rare treat and unusual shape at that. Michael Hanke, the master cheesemaker at Gourmino, produces this high quality cow's milk blue with the same standards they make Gruyère. Its special shape has already gained it the nickname “cinder block blue”. I loved the contrast of the earthy natural rind with the pale buttery paste and dark blue veins.

I really enjoyed the geometry of this block-shaped blue. This slab was cut along some blue streaks, creating some nice lines that further played with the set of squares I arranged. It's mineral, mushroomy, and just a little spicy too.

Country of Origin: Switzerland

Availability: sold

Additional Image:

Additional Image of Bleu de Combremont, original artwork by Mike Geno

Detail View:

Detail View of Bleu de Combremont, original artwork by Mike Geno